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April 2013 Archives

Consumer Fraud in LA: how does it happen?

Consumer fraud made victims out of approximately 25.6 million Americans or 10.8 percent of the national population in the year 2011 alone. The readers of our Los Angeles Class Actions Blog may have even seen some of the ads for the biggest contributors to the problem: weight-loss products, prize promotions or a wealth of other more than misleading product claims or practices, which we shared in our first post of this two-part series. 

Consumer Fraud in LA: How big is the problem?

Every single day we are inundated in Los Angeles with advertisements for the latest and greatest whether it is a sleep aid, a mop, a child education system, food product or any other consumer product or service. Everyone knows that a lot of products are slightly "over-sold" in terms of quality or results, but how many of these products rise to the level of consumer fraud?

Judge says California auto techs missed out on average $27 a day

If you look at it by itself, $27 may not seem like an incredible amount of money. It doesn't buy a sweater at most stores, cover service fees for home repairs or pay for even a day of childcare. But take that number and multiply it by five -- the average days in a work week. Then take that number and multiply it by 52 -- the number of weeks in a year. The result? $7,020. Most people would regard that as a considerable amount of money.

Kilgore v. KeyBank

The Ninth Circuit in an en banc panel punted on an interesting question of law confronting numerous high courts dealing with class actions and arbitration agreements that contain waivers of class actions: to what extent does Concepcion v. AT&T apply in when forcing a party into individual arbitrations results in the individual essentially having to give up any right to seek recourse.

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